Hello Bendwood community!


If you’ve found this website, then you can already start to see that Bendwood is a truly special place! The students, teachers and staff create an amazing environment where kids get the opportunity to Think Differently.


Did you know that our PTA is responsible for about 80 percent of the curriculum budget for the upcoming school year? We need your help to fund the valuable programs and materials that will make this year a wonderful experience for your child.


There are a variety of ways you can continue your support of the Bendwood PTA.


Join the PTA!


Donate to the Underwriting campaign (as a business and/or a family)


The PTA website also has information about potential ECES/CUBS family events, SPIRAL curriculum nights, and general PTA meetings. In addition, information will be coming about Spirit Nights, the annual Book Fair, and other engaging and fun events!


Please feel free to contact the PTA at bendwoodpta@bendwoodpta.com with questions or suggestions. We encourage you to bring your energy and ideas to help Bendwood continue to be a wonderful learning experience and environment.

Social Media


SPIRAL Spotlight